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电话: 15620430464
姓名: Harryli
Tianjin Wenxin Energy Technology Co.,LTD

  At present, the main processing products cover various types of Gas-tight tubing coupling connection, L80-3Cr, 13Cr series high resistance and corrosion resistant oil casing, API 5CT oil casing, coupling, pup joint, crossover and all kinds of oil accessories for a wide range of applications in global oil fields. The products have been supplied to Daqing, Liaohe, Tanggu, Shanxi, Xinjiang and other domestic oil fields for a long time. At the same time, they are exported to Southeast Asia, Africa,

主要产品/业务: 石油套管,接箍,短节,转换接头,特殊扣螺纹加工

Tianjin Wenxin Energy Technology Co.,LTD / 天津 / Economic Development Area Jinghai *域名隐藏* n City. (301600) / 电话:15620430464

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